About me, Teresa Incoronato

My name is Teresa, I am Neapolitan and I work as a licensed tourist guide since 2004.

I started working in the touristic field in 2000 as a receptionist at Naples Tourist Board, a very formative experience during which, for the first time, I could actually start “playing” with my first love: foreign languages!

I graduated in Foreign Languages and Literatures at Naples Federico II University and then it came the occasion of a public exam to get my licence as a tourist guide and start doing a job that nowadays I see to be the perfect mix of my passions and of the expression of my personality.

Since my childhood I had fun in “reproducing” sounds: at home I was assailed by hearing my town dialect (the fourth language I spoke!) and in the meanwhile I invented my English and my French and I already liked the idea of having a tool for communicating with people from the rest of the world!

So it came naturally to choose studying foreign languages and today I have that command of English and French I aimed since ever!

My origins and my job are by sure two objective data, but two very identifying elements of myself as well.

Naples is an unmissable destination in any traveler’s “career”: a mix of contradictions, faces, voices, flavours still connected to its identity, although tourism is now officially a new and powerful business

A town with a natural, spontaneous skill: to create contact, proximity, a place where it is impossibile to feel alone!

As a tourist guide, I am used to think that a journey is made not only by the traveler: during my tours I am a traveler too, continuosly, in my own culture melting with that of my customers: I do love that always coming moment when, with them, I share points of view and thoughts about similarities and differences.

As a traveler, my effort is always looking for the authenticity of places, avoiding stereotypes created by tourism business: my goal is to offer the same kind of experience to those who choose to discover my town and my Region, Campania, rich and unmissable of many other famous destinations such as Ancient Pompeii.

History, monuments, but the soul of these places as well, through the eyes of somebody here born, bred and still living as me!