Neapolitan ex-voto

ex voto con una schiena napoletani foto di Teresa Incoronato

Neapolitan ex-voto The donation of votive offerings in Naples is a still spread and felt habit. Moreover, the Neapolitan ones are different from the traditional ex-voto. The classic ones are generally simple paintings depicting dangerous events, like accidents or diseases, characterized by a happy end for the victim, while the Neapolitan ones are an expression … Read more

The red horn

Cornetto napoletano ftd

The red horn: a traditional Neapolitan lucky charm One of the most complicated moments in a journey of mine is to look for a traditional souvenir: many handicrafts are disappearing and replaced by anonymous magnets, so I often decide to bring back home at least some flavours. In Naples it is still possible to find … Read more

Naples Nativity scenes

Pastori del presepe napoletano Antonio Fucito, CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Naples Nativity scenes The main and most traditional handicraft in town. Don’t miss a walk in S. Gregorio Armeno street, the only Naples Christmas Street: short, narrow and full of handmade products since the XVIII century. It is wonderful to get lost in the tiny shops where craftsmen, since generations, still work according to old … Read more

Does it ever rain in Naples?

Talarico maestro ombrellaio a Napoli dal 1860

Does it ever rain in Naples? “Chiste è ‘o paese do sole” says a famous Neapolitan song written in 1925 by Libero Bovio and Vincenzo D’ Annibale, while Pino Daniele replies with “Schizzechea with love” 63 years later (“Schizzechéa in Neapolitan dialect means “to drizzle”). “Chiste è ‘o paese do sole” says a famous Neapolitan … Read more